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Dental Emergencies


We have compiled an overview of tips to help you out in the case of a dental emergency.
Please call us immediately so that we can reserve an appointment for you: Phone: (030) 282 2258

Broken or lost tooth

Lost filling / inlay

Loose temporary filling

Bleeding (after surgical procedures, tooth extractions)

Dental Emergency Services

If you need to to see a dentist immediately because of severe pain, please call:

Dental emergency service information:
Phone:  (030) 8900 4333      

Dental emergency mediation (all health insurances accepted)
Phone: (030) 2388 3578

Private dental emergency service (privately insured patients / self-payers)
Phone: (030) 3837 7063

Or click here and select your ZIP code / area: www.kzv-berlin.de

Dental Emergency Treatment

Klinik für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (Zahnklinik Süd)
Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin
Aßmannshauser Str. 4 - 6, 14197 Berlin
Phone: (030) 8445 6379

Day time: 11:00 - 16:00 hrs Saturdays, Sundays, during holidays
At night: 20:00 - 02:00 hrs Sunday - Thursday
  20:00 - 06:00 hrs Saturdays, Sundays, during holidays